[Hoary] xorg.conf advice

Phil Cryer phil at cryer.us
Fri Feb 25 17:58:03 UTC 2005

I have Hoary installed on my new box (3.2G HT Pen4 - 80G SATA HD - 512M 
- ATI x300 PCI-e video with 128M RAM).  I've installed the fglrx drivers, but
when I run glxgears I only get ~700.  I expected this to be higher, 
even though
this isn't a high end card.  I'm wondering if I have my xorg.conf setup well
enough (please excuse me since this is the first non nVidia card I've 
run under
Linux in years):


I turned off Composite, Damage and Render, since glxgears fell to 140 
or so with
those on!  If this speed is to be expected I'll live with it since I 
think it'll
handle RTCW and UT2004 (maybe?) alright, and then pickup a PCI-e nVidia 
card in
a few months.  But if not, please advise any suggestions to speed things up.
Also, thanks to all Hoary devs, this looks like it is to be a great release.

"I'm celebrating my love for you with a pint of beer and a new tattoo" 
-- Billy

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