Winmodem installation - newbie

John French cjf at
Fri Feb 25 16:05:12 UTC 2005

I would like to move to Ubuntu from Slackware, but I am having grief in 
trying to install either of my soft modems - Lucent or Smart Link.  I 
have drivers for both - which were OK with Slackware.

The error messages I get when I try to "make" (with the Smart Link) are

root at X40:/home/cjf/Drivers/slmodem-2.9.10 # make
make -C modem all
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/cjf/Drivers/slmodem-2.9.10/modem'
gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM   -o modem_main.o -c modem_main.c
make[1]: gcc: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modem_main.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cjf/Drivers/slmodem-2.9.10/modem'
make: *** [modem] Error 2
root at X40:/home/cjf/Drivers/slmodem-2.9.10 #

Please can someone advise me how to straighten this out ?

John French

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