Wireless card

Jose A Merced fj60cruiser at charter.net
Fri Feb 25 00:06:49 UTC 2005

IF the problem is in the driver, then getting the driver from a different
source might fix the problem. Or using an older version of the driver, or
even a "generic" one.

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com]On Behalf Of Dennis
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 5:04 PM
To: Ubuntu Help and User Discussions
Subject: Re: Re: Wireless card

On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 14:09 -0500, Jose A Merced wrote:
> Unless the driver is not functional for one reason or another...

And that's unfortunately what's going on here. On another machine (this
one) with another card ndiswrapper works perfectly
Dennis K.
  And that's the way the cookie crumbles!

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