Xwindows Crash, what's wrong... ??

Alex Budiyanto ubuntu at ksl.uajy.ac.id
Mon Feb 21 16:42:26 UTC 2005

Hi, everybody
iam a new ubuntu user, i usually use my ubuntu as server, someday when
iam conect to my server using ssh to get my program run to my Desktop
(RH 7.2) such as gaim, OOo, Xchat etc, my network cable has unpluged :(,
since that time i can't get my program in my server to run in my
Desktop. when iam looking at my server iam can't login to X, when iam
run startX from console X can't runing, what happened...?? and what must
i doing...??
if iam using apt-get to fix my problem, what's program must be
reinstalled ?? 

iam using hoary as my source list.



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