SOLVED Was: Re: strange slowdown of my dial-up connection

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Sun Feb 20 19:20:54 UTC 2005

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 08:06:54 +0000
simon <bigs at> wrote:

> Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> >I seem to be connecting only at about 1.5 K according to gkrellm. 
> >The modem is a Creative Modem Blaster external v.92 which got good
> >speeds with Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, and Debian.  
> >Is there a possibility that there is some problem inside my system? 
> >Where to start looking?
> >
> >Cybe R. Wizard
> >  
> >
> i've got the same problem.
> one soliution for some seems to be typing "about:config" in firefox 
> (this brings up a list of settings in the firefox browser windwow)
> typing "filter" then "ibv6" then setting the value of it to = true.
> i've tried all the given advice but to no avail.  let me know if 
> something works in your case.....
In terminal I issued <sudo pppconfig>, set up my connection again (I had
originally set it up in GNOME with the panel menu <computer><system
configuration><networking>, typed <pon> (which didn't work before as
GNOME does not use that utility apparently) and, voila! Connected at
I hope this works for you.

Cybe R. Wizard
Unofficial "Wizard of Odds," A.H.P.
Original PORG "Water Wizard," R.P.
"Wize(ned) Wizard," A.P.F-P-Y.
Barely Tolerated Wizard, A.J.L & A.A.L

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