Hoary : window focus ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Sun Feb 20 01:25:58 UTC 2005

>If that evolution bug is with the ">" symbols when you reply,

Yes, I think we are talking about the same thing. It does weird things
when you try to press "enter" several times :-/

>I already posted a bug about it

Ah, thanks ! :o)

>and it fixed in a new version of evolution

Wonderful !

>that is not in ubuntu yet.

Not so wonderful ! :-/ I hope/guess Hoary will be updated soon...

>The joy of testing is that you have more chances of having everything fixed ;-)

Yes yes yes... that's why I take some time and use Hoary a few hours a
week, to see what bugs I can find... It's the only modest way I can
contribute to Ubuntu... complain about bugs ! ;o)


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