upgrading ububtu

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Fri Feb 18 19:55:48 UTC 2005

> A colleague has encouraged me to use ubuntu. 

That's a clever and wise colleague then, hang on to him ;-)

> I'm now using Mandrake 10.

Was on Mandrake too before, it's night and day, after only 3 weeks of
use, I already felt deep down that I was never going to come back to
Mandrake, Ubuntu is just too sweet, and is quickly becoming even
sweeter ! :o)
You won't regret it...

> What I hate most in linux distros is that when it comes to
> upgrade you normally have to perform a clean installation
> from scratch again. Is this also the case for ubuntu?

Mandrake is so different from Ubuntu, better wipe it off your system to
start from a clean sheet !

> I mean, if the current version is 4.10, what will I have to
> do to upgrade to the next one (i.e., 4.11)?

Yes, once you have installed Ubuntu once, it's easy to update it to the
next version (which will be realeased in 2 months) using an internet
connection. Broadband helps of course.

> Also, I have 2 AMD Athlon 1600+ processors, would this be a problem for
> ubuntu?

Do you mean, a dual CPU motherboard ? Not a problem, Ubuntu comes with
the right (SMP) kernel, optimized for that processor. 
Performance wise, I have a an Athlon 1700+ with 512MB of RAM and it runs
perfectly, no problem there.

> And finally, do I have to compile the kernel? 

Nope, everything is already compiled and easily installable via the
package manager. Just click on it , reboot and choose your new kernel,
simple as that :o)


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