F-Spot not working in hoary?
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Tue Feb 15 14:31:55 UTC 2005
Doesn't seem to work:
$ f-spot
Query Start 3:15:33 PM
Query Mid 2/15/2005 3:15:33 PM
Query End 3:15:33 PM
Start 2/15/2005 3:15:33 PM
End 2/15/2005 3:15:33 PM
** (F-Spot:26143): WARNING **: Missing method .ctor in assembly
/usr/share/dotnet/f-spot/f-spot.exe typeref index 51
Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference
not set to an instance of an object
in (unmanaged) MainWindow:.ctor (Db)
in <0x00737> MainWindow:.ctor (Db)
in <0x0015a> Driver:Main (string[])
Maybe the dependencies are not met?
I installed f-spot 0.0.3 before this with all its dependencies. Maybe
that's not enough for f-spot 0.0.7
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