wireless cards & Linux

James Gallagher subscriptions at citog.com
Tue Feb 15 08:46:52 UTC 2005

> On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 19:42, Luis Murillo wrote:
>> ok, but are there any 802. 11B cards, because you only mention the g
>> cards and I think that would be too overkill for me at the moment and
>> would prefer to buy a b only card. Though I know that g cards can
>> connect to B networks.
>> Thanks.
>>    >Many thanks for that.
>>    >I found this site as a result.
>>    >http://prism54.org/supported_cards.php
>> lmurillo
> Can someone enlighten me as to the difference between b and g please?
> David

Basically (and I mean basically) it comes down to two things; speed
(theoretical max) and radio frequency.
Type    Speed    Frequency
b       11Mbps   2.4GHz
g       54Mbps   5GHz

They're interoperable standards. I'm sure there are some other differences
but these are the ones that come to mind for me.


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