Win Software on Linux

Lindsay judenlinz at
Mon Feb 14 04:21:10 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 00:02 +0100, Thomas Kaiser wrote:
> What are the errors you get? Maybe you need to copy some ddl's and/or 
> ocx, too!
> I think comctl33.ocx and comdlg32.ocx is needed to run VB application. 
> Just copy this files from your windows installation to the fake wine 
> folder "system32". If you don't care about copyright issues, you can 
> just copy the whole contens of the system32 folder from your windows 
> installation to your fake wine syste32 folder. So, wine will look in 
> that if it does not have the dll, oxc or whatever already build in (as 
> far as I know).
> Regards, Thomas

Wine had made a system32 folder.  How do I copy the files required from
say a floppy or better still email attachment to the system32 folder.  I
found one file in the fake_windows folder (a .dll required)?  I went to
File Roller, but I didn't seem to be able to cut and paste the file from
there.   There must be a way though.  

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