Installation of Hoary array 4 going wrong (missing icons)
Ari Torhamo
ari.torhamo at
Mon Feb 14 02:53:05 UTC 2005
On ma, 2005-02-14 at 00:57 +0200, Ari Torhamo wrote:
>On su, 2005-02-13 at 10:06 +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 13, 2005 at 02:45:34AM +0200, Ari Torhamo wrote:
>> > I've been trying to install Hoary (array 4) from a CD for several times
>> > now, but the installation always stops to an error message before it
>> > gets finnished. Packages seem to get installed normally and I get past
>> > the point where I'm asked my name and password. I'm not sure if the
>> > system is about to enter the log-in phase or starting to download
>> > software, but I get the following errormessage:
>> >
>> > *Ubuntu base system configuration*
>> > There was a problem installing the selected software
>> > One or more packages faild to install...
>> You probably asked to install packages from the network, which
>> (currently; there's a bug open to change this) means that you're
>> vulnerable during installation to whatever happens to be broken in the
>> archive right now.
> You are right, I did ask to install packages from the network. I
>realize now my mistake - an array is a somewhat stable development
>version and downloading packages during installation makes it bleeding
>edge. I guess I thought that downloading form the network would make it
>a more up-to-date array 4 :-) I just re-installed Hoary without
>downloading from the network and this time I got through all the way to
>the Gnome desktop.
>I still don't have proper icons in place. All of them are replaced with
>an icon depicting a sheet of paper - only exeptions being the panel and
>the menus, which have the icons they normally have. Any ideas?
>Thanks for the advise :-)
>Ari Torhamo
I forgot to mention that I get an error message about the missing icons
when desktop is being loaded. The message says "Failed to load image
gnome-fs-directory.png". I searched for files with this name and found
several of them in /usr/share/icons/gnome/**x**/filesystems.
It just came to my mind to try to chage the desktop theme. I found that
folders are OK when I choose any other theme than the one I've been
using. When I installed Hoary, I kept my Home folder from Warty
installation intact, so the desktop settings I had in Warty were moved
to Hoary. The theme I used in Warty was, as I told, Mist, and Hoary
doesn't seem to have that one at all. Hoary apparently resolved the
problem by creating an entry "Custom" to the theme settings, taking the
window theme from "Simple" (translated from Finnish) and using "paper
sheet" icon for files and folders. The "Custom" entry in theme settings
disappeared when I quit the settings window after changing the theme and
came back again later.
Perhaps, when upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu and the theme that
was used before is no more available, the theme should be complitely
changed to some of those themes that are present. Maybe this has been
the idea (window theme was changed to "Simple" after all), but it just
doesn't work with icons yet. Should this be reported as a bug?
Ari Torhamo
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