Permissions when copying to USB key

Florence Berbain fberbain at
Sun Feb 13 18:34:21 UTC 2005

Daniel Silverstone wrote:

>On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 19:01 +0100, Florence Berbain wrote:
>>I can't figure out from the chmod man page how to do a chmod -x 
>>recursively on all files and not on directories. Anybody knows how to do 
>It wouldn't help because vfat would make it all executable again next
>time you tried to do anything with the key.
Yes, that's right. Hadn't thought if that...

>But for future reference... to affect all files in a tree...
>find /path/to/tree -type f -print0 | xargs -0 command -arg -arg
>will call 'command -arg -arg <file>...' for all the files in the tree.
>You can pass '-n1' to xargs to tell it to do one file at a time
Thanks, very glad to learn.

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