Permissions when copying to USB key

Daniel Silverstone dsilvers at
Sun Feb 13 18:03:44 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 19:01 +0100, Florence Berbain wrote:
>I can't figure out from the chmod man page how to do a chmod -x 
>recursively on all files and not on directories. Anybody knows how to do 

It wouldn't help because vfat would make it all executable again next
time you tried to do anything with the key.

But for future reference... to affect all files in a tree...

find /path/to/tree -type f -print0 | xargs -0 command -arg -arg

will call 'command -arg -arg <file>...' for all the files in the tree.
You can pass '-n1' to xargs to tell it to do one file at a time


Daniel Silverstone               
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