RPM Heck...( was Re: MEPIS vs. Ubuntu)

Keith Powell keith at keithg4jvx.force9.co.uk
Sun Feb 13 17:35:48 UTC 2005

On Sunday 13 Feb 2005 17:04, Martin Schmitz wrote:
> DirtDawg wrote:
> > As a linux user with no internet connection, I have to throw my two
> > cents in. Since I have to download and install everything manually,
> > RPMs ARE hell. I was shocked when I installed software on Ubuntu
> > without spending forty-five  minutes searching the internet for library
> > after library. after library.
> That's a major problem with all RedHat based distros. It has nothing to
> do with rpm vs. dpkg which is pretty much the same but with the kind of
> meta package management which comes with the distro and builds some sort
> of repository. SuSE-Linux for example had YaST as a package management
> frontend from the very beginning to resolve dependencies. Now you even
> have the possibility to run apt with SuSE.
For info:

You can also run apt/Synaptic with Mandrake. I prefer it to URPMI!


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