GUI Wireless Tools

Ed Fletcher ed at
Sun Feb 13 09:59:25 UTC 2005

Ben Novack wrote:
> The part that takes forever is the network device trying to get a
> DHCP-assigned address. So while it's waiting on a DHCPDISCOVER, I hit
> ctrl-c and kill that process. You can tell which one it's using
> because it'll say eth1 or eth0.
> (it's also worth noting that, strictly speaking, I don't actually do
> that yet; at the moment I usually only have access to wireless, so if
> I want to use wired, I kill wireless during bootup and flip wired on
> once gnome loads. So it might not work in practice, but I seem to
> recall doing it once.)
> I'll test it more thoroughly the next time I have a chance to boot
> into Ubuntu, and post my results.
> ---Ben

Cool.  I'll be away from home and on wireless tomorrow so I'll give that 
a try.

Ed Fletcher
ed at

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