Installation of Hoary array 4 going wrong

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Sun Feb 13 03:08:04 UTC 2005

On su, 2005-02-13 at 00:57 +0000, Daniel Taylor wrote:
>Ari Torhamo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been trying to install Hoary (array 4) from a CD for several times
>> now, but the installation always stops to an error message before it
>> gets finnished. Packages seem to get installed normally and I get past
>> the point where I'm asked my name and password. I'm not sure if the
>> system is about to enter the log-in phase or starting to download
>> software, but I get the following errormessage:
>Had this problem myself over the last day or two, managed to 'fix' it 
>this morning by doing "apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop", 
>everything seems to be installed correctly, been using the machine all 
>day with no problems.
>Daniel Taylor

Got Hoary working with your instructions - thanks :-) There seems to be
a problem with icons. Every directory and file is using the same icon -
one depicting a sheet of paper - with the exeption of picture files,
which have the normal thumbnail picture.

The Evolution icon in the panel doesn't work. Maybe this has something
to do with the fact that I saved my /home partition from the Warty
installation and there's some sort of version conflict taking place with

Nothing dramatic so far though (first fifteen minutes :) - Evolution,
Firefox, OO Writer and gThumb seem to work and I can use the files in
the saved /home partition. I'll stick to Hoary so far and study
further :-)


Ari Torhamo

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