Printing in OpenOffice

florentin_ at florentin_ at
Sat Feb 12 15:48:27 UTC 2005

If command line(lp) printed grey-scale it might be the print driver that you need 
to look into. Can you print anything color ? 
Also check /usr/lib/openoffice/spadmin which allows you customize the print-command
to a2ps or other print-application.

»I was able to print a Spreadsheet in OpenOffice by means of printing it
»to a file first, and then using lp -d Stylus-C60 from the
»command line. But it got printed in gray-scale.
»Can any one help me to get it to print in color?
»(and why isn't OpenOffice capable of ordering the print job itself?)
»I've seen in the GIMP (Print... Printer Settings... Setup Printer) that
»it uses the lp command along with the option -oraw. I wonder how this is
»Also, the only File Type that OpenOffice provides for 'Print to File' is


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