Live CD / bug reporting (Re: new look installer... why?)

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Fri Feb 11 20:53:42 UTC 2005

> I haven't tried the installation CD
> yet - I'm still hesitating to take that step. If I take the step and
> install Hoary, I'll add my findigs to the bug report. (Now I wish I had
> an extra hard disk - maybe I'll by a small and cheap used one for
> testing purposes :)

Yes, definitely do that. I didn't want to risk my Warty, yet was curious
to fiddle with Hoary. So I installed another hard drive. I had an old
8.4 GB drive, plenty enough for test purposes. Hoary uses about 2GB
(including swap), so I was left with well over 5GB for some programs and
data, if need be.
Needless to say, an 8.4GB IDE drive is worth absolutely nothing (dirty
cheap at any rate), so GO FOR IT !! :o)


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