xorg 6.8.2

Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) shot at shot.pl
Fri Feb 11 06:39:09 UTC 2005


Daniel Stone:

> On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 08:15:57PM +0000, Sam Tygier wrote:

> > is xorg 6.8.2 out in time to make it into hoary?
> > will ati and nvidia drivers hold it back?
> The current hoary packages are almost entirely 6.8.2, so to reflect
> this reality, 6.8.2 proper will get uploaded when it's released.  It
> might be released now; still working my way through this morning's
> mail.

Yup, X.org 6.8.2 has been released on Wednesday.

> In any case, Hoary will see 6.8.2.

Wow, that's great news. Sorry for the confusion in my earlier email,
I'm still a bit too used to Debian's inertia with regard to packaging
new versions in the various freeze stages before releases.

-- Shot
        It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase
        'As pretty as an Airport' appear.             -- Douglas Adams
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