MEPIS vs. Ubuntu
Don W. Jenkins
dwjenkins at
Fri Feb 11 05:35:01 UTC 2005
On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 07:16:01AM -0500, towner wrote:
> I'm surprised that the reviewer has such a negative experience of
> Ubuntu. If he had installed it and given up a little more than just 15
> minutes of his time to configure / get to know the system, I'm sure
> he'd probable get rid of Mepis and join this forum
> There is room for more than 1 distro out there.
> --
> towner
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at
I have installed both Mepis 2003 and 2004, as well as doing the latest
beta once, and it worked pretty well, except for the need to restart my
atheros wireless card every time I rebooted, and some unacceptable funny
stuff with Crossover Office and Microsoft Word, which is vital to me.
In fact, I still have Mepis installed as one of four systems on my
destop computer and am using the grub from Mepis simply because Mepis
provides a very easy repair tool for Grub should I need to rewrite it on
the MBR. And Mepis comes as a live CD from the get, which is useful.
But Mepis does not have the mailing lists for support, just some forums,
and there is not the commitment of a large group of people to the open
source standard and security and the six month upgrade schedule. Once I
got Ubuntu running my wireless card, it was pretty much off to the
races, and it reboots configured every time. I kept Warty on one
partition, installed it again on another and then changed the
apt/sources.list to hoary and upgraded, which is what I am using now, so
I have warty to fall back on if I get broken playing around. My home
partition is shared by all Linux distros, as are two swap partitions.
Windows 2000 just kind of sits there lonely and wondering. So, from
working with all flavors of both, I have settled on Ubuntu for the same
reasons you all have, but Mepis has its strengths, and I believe it does
have a better live CD and maybe some handier system tools.
My 1 1/2cents,
Don J.
Don W. Jenkins, Registered Linux User 190728/Linux Machine 84430
Ubuntu4.10 Warty/Simply-Mepis2004/Ubuntu Hoary/W2000Server
Rancho San Diego, An Unincorporation of the Mind
"People will let you do whatever you will." Max Farce,
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