IP address notification for VNC sessions

Neil Woolford neil at neilwoolford.co.uk
Thu Feb 10 21:48:53 UTC 2005

Hi all,

First, thanks to those who posted the useful stuff about rebinding the
keystrokes for screenshot/windowshot(?) production in Gnome.

Todays problem is about initialising VNC sessions to support my
brother's computer;  he's in France, I'm in England so this could help a

I've tested VNC from my laptop to my desktop Ubuntu machine, and it
works fine.  The problem is that I will have to step my brother through
the Network Tools menu to get his (non-fixed) IP address to be able to
initiate sessions.

This wouldn't be necessary if the Remote Desktop Preferences fulfilled
its promise to email the information:  unfortunately all it emails is
the words vncviewer localhost.localdomain:0 which clearly isn't the
whole story!

Is there any way of setting the system up to automatically email the
*current* IP address that is bound to the Modem Interface (ppp0)?


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