MEPIS vs. Ubuntu

ubuntu_fan ulist at
Thu Feb 10 13:18:39 UTC 2005

ember Wrote: 
> Well, I actually tried both, too. Yet my MEPIS experience is limited to
> half an hour of testing. I felt it had slightly better hardware support
> (actually my Logitech MX310 was working, even when I connected via this
> PS/2-Adapter, which did somehow not work out quite from the start in
> Ubuntu).
> However Ubuntu had a cleaner and better integrated appearance quite
> from the start - and that's not only because I don't like KDE that
> much.
> Just my 2 cent,
> ember

I guess that's the point - no single distro will ever support all the
hardware that people have out-of-the-box.

Therefore, by definition, some distros will work better with a vanilla
install (or live CD) than others.

Find a flavour that does roughly what you need and that you're happy
doing the last 10% of the configuration/administration with.


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