Log in with another user

Luis Murillo lmurillo at gmx.net
Thu Feb 10 01:28:00 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 12:57 -0500, John DeCarlo wrote:
> OK,
> My next idea would be to log in as the problem user, only pick the
> Safe GNOME (?) option, so you don't get logged out immediately.  Then,
> as that user,
>   mv .xsessions .xsessions-bad
>   cp .xsessions-bad .xsessions

I tried this and still got logged out, it still says:
	line 3: [exec]: command not found

> then check all the files with another 
>   ls -al
> and make sure there aren't any other files (including ".") that are
> owned by anyone else.

Actually I did chown -R user:user /home/user/

> -- 
> John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own
Luis Murillo <lmurillo at gmx.net>

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