Log in with another user

John DeCarlo johndecarlo at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 17:57:05 UTC 2005

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 18:27:26 +0100 (MET), Luigi murillo <lmurillo at gmx.net> wrote:
> > My guess would be that you copied the file from your account to the new
> > account.
> heh heh, you've read my mind. Actually the user had their own file but it
> giving me the error I copied mine to that user and then I did the chown so
> the user had the rights to that file. I also did chmod 777 and chmod +x to
> the file, just in case the user didn't have rights to the file, but it still
> didn't work. One last thing I tried was deleting and creating a new file
> with the data.
> > If you type    ls -al   in the  /home/newuser  directory, it probably
> > will show that .xsessions is owned by olduser.
> >
> > If so, go into the /home/newuser directory and type:
> >
> > chown newuser:newuser .xsessions
> >
> > Then try again.
> I did, but it still doesn't work :(


My next idea would be to log in as the problem user, only pick the
Safe GNOME (?) option, so you don't get logged out immediately.  Then,
as that user,
  mv .xsessions .xsessions-bad
  cp .xsessions-bad .xsessions

then check all the files with another 

  ls -al

and make sure there aren't any other files (including ".") that are
owned by anyone else.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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