Screen Capture tool?

Jeff Anderson jeff at
Wed Feb 9 23:42:56 UTC 2005

Using the Alt+print screen key combination you can just capture the
active window, rather than the full screen.  Maybe that helps...


On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 23:17 +0000, piltdown wrote:
>On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 09:36:00 +1030, squareyes wrote:
>> On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 22:33 +0000, piltdown wrote:
>>> Does anyone know of a screen capture tool that can grab a section of the
>>> screen after a specific delay to be pasted into a word processor for
>>> tutorial creation purposes?
>>> Thanks
>> Hi, 
>> have you tried "The Gimp", can always crop the area you want to use.
>> Take Care
>> Winton
>Thanks for your reply.
>I have used GIMP but, well, I guess I'm being lazy. I'm looking for a
>program similar to one called Screenrip for Windows. Screenrip allows you
>to capture areas, windows etc. from where you can simply copy and paste
>in to a word processing doc - bypassing the need for cropping, saving and
>importing. When you are producing tutorials with a *lot* of screen shots
>it really saves time being able to grab, copy and paste rather than grab,
>crop, save and then import. 

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