accessing partitions

Philippe Landau lists at
Wed Feb 9 17:16:49 UTC 2005

 >> i formated my master HD with 3 additional
 >> logical partitions: /, /home, and /data
 >> but i can not write to data, it is owned by root.
why could it be owned by root ?

 >> also, how do i mount the partitions on my slave HD ?
 >> and the other two partitions on master ?

> Each HD partition is considered a device and has 
> a corresponding file in /dev
> fdisk -l
> will produce a report of all devices attached to your computer. 
i can see them browsing the file system.

> with these devices you can then use the mount command 
> to mount these devices to your filesystem. eg
> mount /dev/sd** /some_mount_point_on_your_file_system
can i do this in the gui ?

> Mounting filesystems is made easier with /etc/fstab
> You should take a look at this file
is there a utility to edit it in the gui ?

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