K3B having problems with Bluecurve???

Brian Durant globetrotterdk at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 16:17:47 UTC 2005

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 07:48:38 -0800, Chuck Vose <vosechu at gmail.com> wrote:
> No worries about the .ICEauthority, easy thing.
> What you need to do is type `sudo chown username:username
> /home/username/.ICEauthority` in a terminal. Replace username with
> your username of course.
> One problem down, I'm going to try to figure out what's going on with
> cdrecord in the meantime. Sounds like you're on the right path at
> least, everything is working except cdrecord is freaking out when it
> detects the media in the drive.
> While I'm looking about would you mind stealing a cd from a friend and
> trying a burn on different media? Probably won't help but sometimes
> freaky things happen.

I could try with a CD-R, RW, DVD-R USB based external model.
Otherwise, I will probably have to wait until next week to try to get
something from my computer guy. I could try to get a CD-R, RW, DVD-R,
DVD-RW model. Any suggestions?



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