Invalid memory access on boot

Pete Goodall pete at
Wed Feb 9 04:04:19 UTC 2005

altern wrote:
> hi again
> so looks like i installed a debian kernel instead of an ubuntu kernel, I 
> was following instructions by a debian guy and i didnt realise about this.
> anyone knows how can i undo this??

How about puting the correct kernel on a USB key, and using a LiveCD to 
boot.  You can mount the other hard drive and chroot to to the hard 
drive.  Then you should be able to install the correct kernel.

Fwiw, when upgrading a kernel it is important to _install_ the new 
kernel instead of upgrade it.  Then you need to be sure grub can get to 
both kernels so you can save yourself from disaster.


- Pete

Pete Goodall <pete at>

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