Best way to prepare for migration to Hoary?

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at
Tue Feb 8 15:40:48 UTC 2005

The wiki as a couple of pages about stuff to check out during an
upgrade between versions:


On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 11:26:45 +0000, Eamonn Sullivan
<eamonn.sullivan at> wrote:
> I'm ecstatically happy with Warty and am planning to upgrade to Hoary,
> maybe well into feature freeze/debugging, in March, or when it is
> officially released. But I want to get the maximum benefit when I do
> migrate. I've been following this strategy:
> -Keeping all the meta-packages -- ubunut-desktop, etc.
> (ubuntu-backports gives me firefox 1.0, which is really the only thing
> I was missing).
> -Booting the live CD occassionally to check on progress. It's still
> not without problems. X currently nearly or completely unusable on a
> Windows XP machine with a flat panel I'm targetting for possible
> wiping and my current Warty system with a CRT -- both using very
> recent Intel motherboards with on-board video. But the hardware is
> detected correctly (frequency and resolution options are correct in
> xorg.conf), it's just migrating to what actually starts up, so I
> remain hopeful (and filed a report to bugzilla).
> One happy development in the latest Hoary test live CD is that it now
> correctly recognizes and configures my wireless network card (netgear
> WG311v2). I've had to use ndiswrapper in Warty. I guess there's been
> more progress at the kernel level for the chipset. I want to make sure
> the drivers for the card are updated when I migrate to Hoary.
> When I do a dist-upgrade,  will there be any installer magic hardware
> detection or will all of the currently installed packages simply be
> updated? What's the best way to ensure that there's another round of
> auto-detecting? Is that done at every boot (so I can just comment-out
> ndiswrapper after upgrading and see what happens)?
> I know I can do dpkg-reconfigure, but that doesn't seem to have any
> auto-detection. I have to input all the settings. I suppose I could
> boot the live CD, run dpkg-reconfigure, write down all of the
> settings, and then do the same on my dist-upgraded Hoary install. Is
> that the best way?
> -Eamonn
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