Debian Unstable vs. Ubuntu

Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) shot at
Mon Feb 7 17:52:29 UTC 2005


Martin Schmitt:

> Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) schrieb:
> >Because Ubuntu main and restricted have security support (plus universe
> >and multiverse seem to have "unofficial" security support as well).
> >Stable Ubuntu is also really stable (as the packages are tested with
> >each other); neither sarge nor sid reach this level of stability.
> Could you elaborate on the "unofficial" part, please?

It's my totally wild guess upon seeing
(i.e., there's an universe hoary-security repository and it is populated
with packages). Also, the MotU (Masters of the Univese) group is
forming, which IMHO will do at least the same work the Debian sid
maintainers do at the moment.

> I'm thinking of abandoning Ubuntu for Debian Testing, because I'm
> using lots of universe packages that don't get any updates. Is there
> any way out of this?

But Debian testing doesn't have any security support at the moment.
There are plans to establish testing security support in the future,
but it's not there yet - and it was firstly supposed to start on last
year's August 8th, so it might as well not start for the next half
a year (I'd love to be wrong here, of course).

-- Shot
      Comparisons with Microsoft Windows' registry are inevitable. GConf
      is a database rather than a series of configuration files, but
      it's XML, it's open and it actually works.     -- WLUG-Wiki: GConf
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