OT: reply-to on mailing lists [Was: gnome-font-viewer]

Rob Chanter robc at nudepenguins.org
Mon Feb 7 11:02:31 UTC 2005

*sigh* follows up to self.

I should check the dates more carefully when I'm in catch-up mode.
Shoulda known this would result in a standard Reply-To thread. Sorry for
the noise. Still, might as well elaborate on at least one thing ...

On Mon, 2005-02-07 at 20:29 +1100, I wrote:

> The best thing is to choose a MUA that understands lists. Evo's not bad,
> but it doesn't go all the way.

In the end, I always find that the only MUA that doesn't eventually
annoy me intensely is mutt. Evo seems to have improved, to have worked
out the most annoying bugs, but still just isn't flexible enough.


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