announcing MOTU Teams proposal

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Sun Feb 6 13:07:07 UTC 2005

Am Sonntag, den 06.02.2005, 07:44 -0500 schrieb Travis Newman:
> Oliver Grawert wrote:
> > hi community,
> > 
> > since the MOTU team now started to grow slowly, i think its about time
> > to have some discussion how to structurize the mainenance work in the
> > future.
> > i have set up a wiki page with an idea i had about the topic since some
> > time:
> Yeah I read that whole page and your whole email, but you never specify 
> what "MOTU" means ;) Could you fill us in on that one? THanks!
to qoute myself from the page above MOTUTeams (the MOTU page):

"Masters of the Universe are the brave souls that try to keep your
universe in shape."

the MOTUs are the universe package maintainers group, based on
volunteers to keep universe up to date, submit interesting patches to
packages or care for integration into the complete ubuntu world.

currently the universe packages are just synced and rebuilt from debian
sid. often this works, but sometimes the dependent packages dont match
the ubuntu version and patching and rebuilding is required. 
as i wrote in my example above, there are people that rather like/need
to use icewm, so integrating it with the system management tools, look
and feel etc. in ubuntu would be desirable.

the MOTU team is the team that shall care for these packages since they
mostly are unmaintained by the main team which has to care for the main
distribution to get it in a releasable state.

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