fresh install of w.warthog -- many questions, gripes

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Sun Feb 6 02:23:09 UTC 2005

On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 03:32:39PM -0800, gl34 at wrote:

> Why does uname -r give 2.2.19(!) when I asked specifically to install the 
> kernel?

Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty) has only one kernel, and it is a kernel.  Either
you're looking in the wrong place, or you installed something which was not

> Where are the sources? /usr/src has only rpms in it, which is empty.

This is in the FAQ.

> I was told I could su to a root console.

By whom?

> Wrong! I had to reboot as single user. And I couldn't use the install CD,

You couldn't use it for what?

 - mdz

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