Ubuntu my love, we won ! :o)

buldir ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Fri Feb 4 20:40:17 UTC 2005

"Don't get too excited by beating Mandrake. Mandrake's last release -
10.1 - was a three legged sick donkey of an OS"  --david

I agree with you here...maybe two legs.  I couldn't even connect to the
internet using MDK 10.1...I tired everything.  I used Redhat 9, Mandrake
9 , Fedora Core 1/2, Mandrake 10, and Fedora Core 3.  I got tired of new
updates (including the kernel) breaking other packages...even with
apt4rpm.  I decided I have had enough.  I installed Libranet 2.8 and
loved it.  Stable, Debian-based, and apt-get.  I prefer Gnome (no
offence to KDE lovers) and came across Ubuntu over the X-mas holiday. 
Wow!  I am impressed.  I switched to Ubuntu because of better
community/forum support and up-to-date packages.  While a superb
distro, Libranet is a little lacking in these categories.  No more
Fedora Core bugs...yeaaaaaaaaaah!


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