
zunbeltz zunbeltz at
Wed Feb 2 08:44:57 UTC 2005


I've hoary installed. I want to install plone but i can.
When i try to install i get the message
Dependencies:: zope-cmfplone but it is not going to be installed
When i go to zope-cmfplone i get
ependentziak:: zope-cmf1.4 (>=1.4.4) but it is not installable
 Dependentziak:: zope-cmfcore1.4 (>=1.4.4) but it is not installable
 Dependentziak:: zope-cmfdefault1.4 (>=1.4.4) but it is not installable
 Dependentziak:: zope-cmftopic1.4 (>=1.4.4) but it is not installable
 Dependentziak:: zope-cmfcalendar1.4 (>=1.4.4) but it is not installable
 Dependentziak:: zope-dcworkflow  but it is not installable
 Dependentziak:: zope-cmfactionicons  but it is not installable
 Dependentziak:: zope-cmfquickinstallertool  but it is not installable
 Dependentziak:: zope-groupuserfolder  but it is not installable
 Dependentziak:: zope-cmfformcontroller  but it is not installable
 Dependentziak:: zope-plonetranslations  but it is not installable

I have zope2.7.3-0-1 and zope-cmf and zope-cmfcore1.3.3-1

What can i do?

Zunbeltz Izaola Azkona              (zunbeltz at wm dot lc dot ehu dot es)
Materia Kondentsatuaren Fisika Saila      |
Zientzia eta Teknologia Fakultatea        |   Telf:  34 946015326
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea             |
PK 644                                    |   Fax:   34 944648500
48080 Bilbo (SPAIN)                       |

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