PPPoE -> DHCP : how to switch ???

troutrou ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Tue Feb 1 03:35:57 UTC 2005

> I have one new problem now though...  I can RECEIVE mails (with
> Evolution) fine, but it now seems unable to SEND out any mail I write
> !!! :o(((
Maybe this is "normal". The ISP said that people could not use their
current e-mial address. They will give us a new adress. They said they
will keep the old one working for 2 weeks. So maybe they let the world
e-mail us at our old address, and w can see the mails, but we can't
answer them from that address. A kind of "will do" e-mail service until
we are given our new e-mail address on their new server. I hope they
will be quick though, I need to answer people !! :-/
I have just sent an e-mail to my ISPasking them what's going on, and
how I should proceed to create a new e-mail address ASAP !

4AM here, hopefully they will answer me today....

Vince, needs to answer his e-mails !!!


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