X11R6.9/7 for breezy

Zoltan Szecsei zoltans at geograph.co.za
Sat Dec 31 18:06:12 UTC 2005

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

> On the plus side, I don't notice that many Dapper-specific bugs on the
> desktop side of things, so with 3 and half months left of work, the
> potential for a highly polished release, as was announced for Dapper, is
> definitely there...  I like that :-)
> Right now nnot much is happening on Dapper, I guess everyone is on hols,
> can't wait everyone to be back up to speed, seeing Dapper grow up day by
> day is very exciting, as is discovering and filing bugs...
> --
> Vince

I've just installed flight 2 i386 on another HD - to test the APIC issue 
I am having with breezy and smp kernels on my 945g based P4-830 box.
Sadly, I cannot find any dapper smp kernels...... but that is not the 
reason I am posting this.

I'm the guy who originally posted the request for xorg 6.9/7 for breezy 
and what I'm now keen to find out is, is dapper actually going to use 
the 6.9/7 xorg version, or is it already frozen at the 6.8.2-77 version, 
which is on the flight 2 iso?

Cheers & have a good new year,



Geograph (Pty) Ltd
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