Ubuntu Popularity

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Dec 30 20:56:43 UTC 2005

James Diehl wrote:

>  I just got involved with the discussion groups.  I just get tired of the
>  program being knocked by people.  I read an email the other day, someone
>  saying; "I enjoyed playing around with Ubuntu for a while!" He was
>  comparing it to one of his little boys toy trucks!  When I mention that I
>  run Ubuntu Linux, people act like; "What's that?" Why don't you get a
>  real system like Windows?"  Or, if you want a real Linux, get RedHat or
>  Suse!

LOL.  I share my office with a PhD candidate pure-geek.  He's probably tried
every distro going, and finally asked me what I was running.  He downloaded
a breezy ISO, installed it in 15 minutes and hasn't looked back.  

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