Problems with Kino

Karl Hegbloom hegbloom at
Fri Dec 30 11:47:06 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-12-25 at 12:57 -0500, 'Forum Post wrote:
> Hi, the firewire module does not require root priveleges. All that you
> need is read/write access to /dev/raw1394. Since this file is
> dynamically created by udev, you could change udev rules. However, you
> should notice that the group assigned to the file is "disk" and that
> the group has read/write access. Therefore, it is easier to just add
> your userid to the disk group: sudo adduser `whoami` disk.

No, don't do that!  You should NOT be in group 'disk', since that also
gives write access to the raw hard drive partitions!!!  The better
solution is to take yourself out of group disk, and then edit
the /etc/udev configuration so that the device is created with a
different group ownership, perhaps 'floppy' or 'cdrom'.

Karl Hegbloom <hegbloom at>

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