How do I run a shell

Bill Cairns CairnsWW at
Fri Dec 30 08:11:38 UTC 2005

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OK - so I made a huge mistake calling my test shell "dir" !

First - it made people think that I was looking for an alternative to typing "ls". (Heck - I prefer "ls" to "dir"!) All I was doing was tring to make a tiny shell that I could try and execute. I started with a much bigger shell, but did not want it to run every time I tested it.

Secondly - I did not realise that SuSe already had a "dir" alias. So I ended up executing the wrong one by mistake. So on SuSe, I changed my file to "bills" (original) and it still ran, according to plan, in directory bin. So bin is obviously on the path by default.

Last night I was drug off to see a pantomime (very good it was too ...), but tonight I will try and modify bashrc as advised.

Thanks for all the help.

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