Zope problems

J.Markoll j.markoll at free.fr
Thu Dec 29 09:22:12 UTC 2005

Michael Richter a écrit :
> You missed the sarcasm, I'm afraid.  I'm looking for the "just work"
> repository instead of the repository where things don't work.  ;-)

> Anyway, the problem was solved by scorching Zope 3 and installing Zope
> 2.8instead.  Very strange.  Zope
> 2.7 fails.  Zope 3 fails.  Zope 2.8 works great.  Someone needs to put a
> note on that.  "Install this version only if you want something that doesn't
> work right."
See, I know someone whose distro for years have been Slackware, and a 
few Slackware like in the meanwhile, with dual Windows. He installed 
Ubuntu Hoary, then Breezy. The first thing he did, was try to sort out 
all that's 'unuseful'. He broke his distro totally (300 Mo away with the 
libs and so...), so he reinstalled it very fast (10 minutes wao! no 
other distro so fast to reinstall!)

Then he started to try removing all the 's***' away from X-org, all the 
pilots he doesn't need and so on  :))
I let you guess the end ? lol

Well, at home, he saw me use my scanner, although he's been a many years 
user, he never saw running a scanner before, my printer was setup in 1 
minute after I installed the first time ... and we have the 16000 or 
more Debian packages available...  all for free ;)
Plus dpkg-repack, plus alien, plus the sources packages.... plus so many 
things that work well at once!  :D
Ubuntu is very young, and although allready at the top of the known 
distributions. :)
Best greetings, Joyce Markoll.

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