Ubuntu 5.10 minumum requirements

David Hart ubuntu at tonix.org
Wed Dec 28 06:00:33 UTC 2005

On Tue, Dec 27, 2005 at 10:50:09PM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> Sorry I sent before making this meaning of "modern Linux" as clear as
> Hart.

No need to apologize.  IMO your post was both clear in meaning and
helpful, especially when read in the context of what you quoted from
the original post.

> Days earlier I tried essentially the same thing several
> times different ways according to the recommended minimum, and never got
> a complete install in even 2.25G, much less any expectation of
> filesystem efficiency.

You also need a few hundred megs spare for when the time comes to
dist-upgrade.  That's caught me out before when I've made the /var
partition too small ;)

David Hart <ubuntu at tonix.org>

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