Ubuntu 5.10 minumum requirements

'Forum Post ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Wed Dec 28 03:05:54 UTC 2005

David Gonzalez Rivera Wrote: 
> Tom Hines wrote:[color=blue]

> > Hello.  I tried to liberate my sister from Windows last weekend. 
> She

> > has an Intel Celeron 500 mhz, 128 mb ram.  

I have a Intel Celeron 300A Mhz (to me, that means very old and slow)
with 64MB RAM (+ 250MB swap) and 4GB hdd... Gnome is very slow but
works, Xubunu is almost perfect (certainly faster than Windows)
although program launch is slow. $sysIt's a pity that its modem does
not work...

Xubuntu => sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop and then choose XFCE instead of


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