no sound at all.. just static

David david at
Sun Dec 25 22:49:23 UTC 2005

On Mon, Dec 26, 2005 at 12:02:31AM +1100, Sasha Tsykin wrote:
> Hey,
> I have a Sound Blaster Audigy LS and the problem for me was that the 
> installation had digital audio turned on in alsamixer automatically. You 
> should turn it off, the card only does analogue.

I'm assuming that digital audio is turned off by the tab that says "switch" and 
the button that says "SPDIF Out". I got to that window by double clicking the 
volume control applet. It looks like a cuter version of the window you get by 
typing "alsamixer" at the command line.. so I'm assuming they are basically the 
same thing?  Does that sound right?

In any case, it doesn't help :(  ... had you done anything else to get yours to 
work or did it just work out of the box? I added my card after I'd already done my 


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