Wanting to run Linux on laptop (Newbie stuff)

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 00:24:17 UTC 2005

On 12/22/05, Colin Brace <cb at lim.nl> wrote:
> Why do you need Windows to access the BIOS? You hit F2 or whatever
> when you see the BIOS power-up screen and that drops you into the BIOS
> menus directly -- no need for XP.

It's not one of those horrid laptops that have the bios on the hard
drive is it? *shudder*

Ubuntu Breezy 5.10
  I will write on a huge cement block "By accepting this brick through
your window, you accept it as it is and agree to my disclaimer of all
warranties, express or implied, as well as disclaimers of all
liability, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental, that may
arise from the installation of this brick into your building." - PJ

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