Ubuntu is under attack

Matthew Garrett mjg59 at srcf.ucam.org
Wed Dec 21 11:20:22 UTC 2005

On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 09:17:29PM -0800, Mike Bird wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 20:44, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> > Assuming they did. Many people just use webmail nowadays.

(snip figures)

> The facts supporting your assertion please?

In Cambridge, 18 months ago, webmail was used by 17500 users, IMAP 7800 
and POP 6700. The trend has been for webmail usage to increase at the 
expense of IMAP and POP, and it holds for most of UK academia. From 
discussion with people I know on the commercial side of things, much the 
same is true there. Lots of people use Hotmail, Yahoo and gmail and have 
never configured an SMTP server.
> > * And potentially unanswerable - one of the UK's biggest ISPs doesn't 
> > provide an SMTP smarthost, and blocks outgoing port 25. How is postfix 
> > supposed to get important notification mails to their webmail account?
> I'm curious if there's any significance to your use of the word
> "smarthost" rather than "SMTP server".  If you mean that customers
> cannot use Outlook Express or Thunderbird or Evolution to send
> emails, would you mind disclosing the name of the ISP?  I have
> many relatives in the UK who need to know not to accept any
> special offers from such ISPs.

That's exactly what I mean, yes. BT's default package has this 
limitation. We need a solution that works for those users too.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at srcf.ucam.org

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