Ubuntu is under attack

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 05:52:48 UTC 2005

On 12/21/05, Mike Bird <mgb-ubuntu at yosemite.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 20:44, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> > Assuming they did. Many people just use webmail nowadays.
> I happen to own a small ISP.  Only 27.5% of subscribers
> have *ever* used webmail, mostly on rare occasions such as
> vacation.  Of those few that have used webmail, the median
> time since they last used it is 79 days.  Only 4.0% of
> subscribers have used webmail in the last week.

Very interesting stats. Thank you!

Can we perhaps please consider this topic "done like dinner"?

I'm truly impressed by the total number of e-mails that have managed
to stay lumped as one thread (I'm at 115 and counting... that includes
a few off topic ones).

It seems we have a number of people who are very passionate about this
issue. Whether that passion is misplaced is hard for me to judge
reliable (though, instinctively I strongly suspect that it IS... a
sysadmin is NOT a normal Ubuntu user, nor is an ISP operator).

Anyway, have a merry pagan and/or yuletide and/or solstice and/or
holiday season holiday and a happy new year* <out of breath... and
breath :-)>.

*preferably a new year when we don't see "Ubuntu is under attack" (or
one of its spawn) in our inboxes


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