Dapper Drake daily build live CD

Scott angrykeyboarder at angrykeyboarder.com
Tue Dec 20 22:28:13 UTC 2005

Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> I DLed from:
> http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/daily-live/current/
> what, to my mind and according to the site (PC (Intel x86) live CD), is
> a live CD.  After burning and attempting to run it I found it was
> trying to install.  Of course, I disallowed that.  In reading the
> documentation on the newly-burned CD I find that it refers to Breezy
> Badger, not Dapper Drake.  Is there something wrong with this daily
> build live CD and it's not really live or have I made another stupid
> mistake?
> Cybe R. Wizard

My guess is since Dapper is in development you'll still find references 
to Breezy untill it's cleaned up.  As far as it trying to install, 
that's truly bizzare.

I assume you've used a more "traditional" live CD before, right?  The 
reson I asked is because the regular (i.e. breezy vs dapper) Ubuntu live 
CDs do "install" stuff but it's all held in RAM. Nothing is actually 
installed to your hard disk.

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