Thanks to all - but Ubuntu is for geeks

Wade Smart wade at
Tue Dec 20 13:20:05 UTC 2005

12202005 0718 GMT-5

Isnt everything made to the MS standard? Monitors dont say - AND Apple & 
Linux approved. No, they say Windows compatible. The fact that linux 
does support so many hardware devices is great!


Terry North wrote:

>>>4. Screen Resolution.
>>Is this on the console or in X?  If it's in X you may need to double check   >
>the monitor sync ranges and/or add a mode line to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  ...
>I have to say that all sounds so Dark Ages.  I've got a standard monitor which
>gives no problem even to the Redmond company, which is even able to provide a
>GUI device to alter the settings.
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