ubuntu on homebuilt box

Hodgins Family ehodgins at telusplanet.net
Mon Dec 19 23:58:58 UTC 2005

Good afternoon!

> I dont quite think that is what he means. Sometimes, if your BIOS
> software (on the chipset) needs updated. Often the update from the
> manufacturer is a .exe that creates a boot floppy that upgrades the
> BIOS. In -that- way its tied to windows.
> If thats what your wondering. Often a app called WINE can be used to
> make the floppy. Or Im sure some good Ubuntu folk would be able to help
> you.

The OP might want to give a thought to FreeDOS(http://www.freedos.org/).

Here is a link from that site that would allow him to install a small 
parition of a 16-bit OS -- forgotten its name now :) -- to use for 
formatting bootable FAT floppies to hold the BIOS updating .exe files:

This link: http://fdos.org/bootdisks/old/ has some .img files that 
create FreeDOS bootable disks. The OP could just copy the BIOS .exe file 
to these disks, boot the computer from these disks and run the BIOS 


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